The Sunflower brightens up your garden with its vibrant colours. They are easy to grow and care for. Sunflowers offer a healthy source of pollen and nectar to bees resulting in improved pollination for growing vegetables and fruit.
The Sunflower brightens up your garden with its vibrant colours. They are easy to grow and care for. Sunflowers offer a healthy source of pollen and nectar to bees resulting in improved pollination for growing vegetables and fruit.
They need around 6 hours of direct sunlight. Sunflower seeds can be sown from April to May. Sunflowers grow tall can be blown over therefore try to plant in a spot that is sheltered away from strong winds, against a fence or wall.
Pinching out is a technique used to encourage new stems to grow on plants. Whether you pinch out your sunflowers will really depend on what you want to do with them when they’re in bloom.
Companion planting is a gardener’s delight. Varieties and species of plants that can grow together is a joy to experiment with.